Therapy for Adults
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) begins with an assessment using diagnostic tests to measure the intensity of the symptoms associated with depression. Then a problem list of five or six of the presenting problems are drawn up with the therapist. Clients collaborate with the therapist to decide how they will be at the end of the therapy.
Our therapists provide compassionate, evidence-based individual therapy for adults in Round Rock and Austin, Texas
Our therapists provide compassionate, evidence-based individual therapy for adults in Round Rock and Austin, Texas •
The first stage of the therapy is aimed at bringing depression scores back to the normal range. Using a series of behavioral techniques (breathing, daily activity schedules, pleasure ratings and experiments) to help clients monitor their ability to change their life experience. Usually a minimum of 5 sessions is necessary to achieve depression scores in the normal range.
The second stage of the treatment works at the identification and challenging of negative automatic thoughts. Negative automatic thoughts are plausible, and are generated around specific themes (i.e. “I’m not good enough”, “I’m worthless”, “I’m never going to change” etc.). Clients are given customized homework each session whereby they record their automatic thoughts, asking themselves “What was going through my mind just before I started to feel this way?”
Modifying these deeply held beliefs which were formed in the early years of life mitigate against relapse. Core beliefs function like absolutes or prejudices in a persons life and identifying these through diagnostic tests target specific areas which are at the root of depressive thinking. They have cognitive, affective and behavioral components, and by modifying them (“I’m stupid”, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure” etc.) by using evidence and experience of a new belief, over time, alters the original template at the heart of the way people see themselves, others, and the future and aid relapse prevention
The approach of CBT is educational. The therapist uses structured learning experiences that teach patients to monitor and write down their negative thoughts and mental images. The goal is to recognize how those ideas affect their mood, behavior, and physical condition. Therapists also teach important coping skills, such as problem solving and scheduling pleasurable experiences. CBT patients are expected to take an active role in their learning, in the session and between sessions. They are given homework assignments at each session which reinforce the work we do together and provide future tools for you to draw upon.
Our diagnostic specialties include:
Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by chronic, persistent anxiety and worry that is not associated with any one event or situation. Common worries include fear of: losing control, not being able to cope, failure, rejection or abandonment, illness and death. In children and adolescents, the focus of worry is often on school and athletic performance. We all experience anxiety from time to time; however, for those with generalized anxiety disorder, the worry is excessive and out of proportion to the reality of the situation. With generalized anxiety disorder, there is a tendency to overestimate the likelihood of something bad happening and underestimate the ability to cope if that situation does, in fact, occur. Generalized anxiety disorder is common and can develop at any age.
Panic disorder is characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks, or episodes of acute, overwhelming fear or discomfort, as well as resulting worry and/or changes in behavior due to these panic attacks. While panic attacks peak, or are at their worst, within minutes (typically within 10 minutes), the episodes can have a lasting impact on a person’s thoughts and behaviors. As seen in panic disorder, panic attacks can lead to increased worry about having additional attacks or fear of the consequences of these episodes (e.g., fear that the symptoms are indicators of dying or “going crazy”). Many individuals with panic disorder even begin to develop a baseline level of worry about their health, with a hyperawareness of mild changes in bodily functions (e.g., noticing slight changes in heartbeat and fearing acute cardiovascular illness). This hyperawareness, as well as panic attacks, in general, often leads to frequent medical visits if not properly identified and treated.
Specific phobias, which are defined as an intense, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation, are the most common type of anxiety disorder. Specific phobias typically develop in childhood or adolescence and are twice as common in females than males. Common phobias include: insects, animals, thunder, medical procedures, flying, heights, and elevators. While it may temporarily reduce anxiety, avoidance maintains anxiety over time.
Social Anxiety Disorder is characterized by fear of embarrassment associated with performance or exposure to evaluation by others. While we all feel a degree of nervousness in certain social situations, for those with social anxiety disorder, the anxiety is often so severe that it leads to avoidance of these situations altogether. A common concern among people with social anxiety disorder is that they will say or do something that will cause others to view them as weak, anxious, or crazy. This concern is typically out of proportion to the situation. Our Austin Anxiety Therapists can help.
Children and adolescents with social anxiety may avoid recess or gym, using the school restroom, or eating in the cafeteria. They may have difficulty raising a hand in class, giving a presentation, or asking a question that would bring unwanted attention.
Among pediatric populations, compulsions are usually more easily identifiable than obsessions because young children may not be able to articulate the reasons for their repetitive behaviors or mental acts. Furthermore, unlike obsessions, compulsions are often observable by others. However, just because a child cannot articulate the obsessions, does not mean obsessions are not present. In fact, research suggests that most children experience both obsessions and compulsions.
Trichotillomania (trick-o-till-o-may-nee-uh) refers to the repetitive pulling out of one’s own hair. Affecting approximately one to two in 50 people in their lifetime, trichotillomania generally begins during late childhood or early adolescence (around age 11 or 12). In adulthood, trichotillomania affects significantly more women than men. Hair is pulled from eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, arm hair, hair on the scalp, etc). Without proper treatment, trichotillomania generally becomes a chronic condition.
Affecting approximately 2-5% of people in the United States, excoriation disorder refers to the excessive picking of one’s own skin (e.g., cuticles, acne, moles, scabs, etc.). Skin picking usually occurs in an effort to improve perceived imperfections; however, it often leads to scarring, discoloration and/or damage to the tissue. Onset of symptoms generally begins during adolescence (around age 14 or 15); however, it can begin much earlier. Skin picking tends to affect more women than men. Without proper treatment, excoriation disorder tends to develop into a chronic condition.
It is common to experience distressing memories, difficulty sleeping, and restlessness following a tragedy; however, for most people these reactions tend to improve with time. If improvement does not occur or if the reactions worsen, it may be an indicator of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is characterized by four symptom clusters: Persistent mood disturbances, hypervigilance, re-experiencing, and avoidance. Not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will develop PTSD. About 60% of women and 50% of men experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, and most will never develop PTSD. PTSD affects approximately 1 in 15 children, 1 in 9 adult women, and 1 in 18 adult men in the United States.
Affecting approximately 1 in 160 children in the United States, Tourette Syndrome is known as a tic disorder. Tics are characterised by involuntary, repetitive movements (such as shrugging, jerking, or blinking) and/or vocalizations (such as humming, coughing, sniffing, or clearing the throat).
Affecting approximately 1 in 33 children, 1 in 8 adolescents, and 1 in 15 adults, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most common behavioral health disorders in the United States. MDD is a mood disorder characterized by a persistent and pervasive low mood accompanied by several symptoms that impact daily functioning.

Don't settle for a life limited by anxiety.
Schedule an appointment with our dedicated anxiety specialists, and experience the freedom of creating your own path.